11th June 2012

Letting Life Happen Through You

After years of hard work and struggle I realised that there was something wrong with the ‘formula for life’ I was using. For 35 years, everything went great – I knew where I was going, and why. I knew what I wanted to do and things just happened. But then I got my turn at the flip side. For the next 20 years my life turned into a turmoil of constant struggle. In the last few years I decided enough was enough – my current state just wasn’t working. I needed to make a change. I was working hard, had more chaos than I could handle, and didn’t seem to be able to make progress. Fortunately, I decided that the main thing to focus on was keeping healthy. So on that level, things were going okay. I had an accident with my arm that put me out of work, with no financial help inspite of years of cover payments, and not able to work or sleep. Things just went from bad to worse….until I took back control – I said STOP. I am not playing this game any more.

I focused on what I could do – not couldn’t do

If something go too hard – it was not meant to be.

I surrendered!!

It took a lot of courage to let life go, but I realised that unless I let life happen through me, it would happen to me. Through me is much calmer, joyous and for some reason better. I let go a very high income, I let go financial security, but I also let go the pain of life.

Things are turning around for me. It is early days…but I feel lighter than I have in years. I feel less anxiety than I have at years. I feel happy, really happy. I cannot explain it, and I am sure many will say I am just running away from reality. My answer to them is…you are absolutely right – I am running away from trying to create my reality, and just living my reality instead….and it is truly wonderful!!!

There will be no more struggle for me.

posted in Personal Success, Success, Taking Action | 1 Comment