5th October 2010

Stay the Course

Once of the biggest reasons people are not successful is that they give up too early.

Being successful takes persistent effort, and that persistence comes from your own level of motivation. This is why it is important to work in something that you are passionate about. Tough times are the best times every for entrepreneurs.

So work this simple formula:

  1. Find your passion
  2. Build a great team of people
  3. Stay with it

And remember – Most people give up just before they make it big. You just have to outlast the pack to be amongst the best in your field.

posted in Business Success, Success Theory | 0 Comments

28th June 2010

Protecting Your Mind

Clothe your mind in the right thoughts every morning, just as you clothe your body. Don’t enter the world of negativity naked – know who you are, what you value, where you are going right now and what helps you get there. Keep your mind clothed in positive feelings, activities, people and sensory stimulus.

You wouldn’t let go outside on a cold wintery day naked, we protect our bodies by wrapping them in clothing that protects us from harsh elements. Yet, every day we let destructive forces rip into our minds – because we didn’t do what we needed to do to protect it.

So, design a wardrobe of positive affirmations that remind you of your current purpose in life and what’s important to you – choose from it every morning as part of your daily get-ready routine.

Your Action – design a wardrobe of positive affirmations that support you, and choose from it every morning as part of your daily get-ready routine.

posted in Personal Success, Success Habits, Taking Action | 0 Comments

17th January 2010

Just How Helpful Are Your Friends – Really?

The true personality of a person does not surface when everything is great – it surfaces when the chips are down. For some, the drama doesn’t need to be happening to them – they are happy to dwell in the pity pit with anyone who will invite them in. Some people just love a drama. When I share a happening, they love to get me going deeper into the negative feelings I must be experiencing, how terrible it must be. I suddenly realised they were getting a buzz out of this – they loved the drama, fed on it, desperately almost needed it. These are the people that love helping you at the bottom of the cliff. Then there are those who see you at the bottom and give you a helping hand to the top. The people that some may judge unfairly as being unsympathetic. Who, instead of helping you linger in your loss or desperation, help you start taking action to turn things around – who encourage you with positive, reinforcing words. The matter of fact approach – shit happens, but lets focus on getting you out of here.
The ones that want to help you at the bottom, are the ones you want to get OUT of your life. The ones that want to help you get back to the top are your guiding stars, the heros of you life. You want to love them, keep them, cherish them and thank them. They are the ones who truly care about you.

The true personality of a person does not surface when everything is great – it surfaces when the chips are down. For some, the drama doesn’t need to be happening to them – they are happy to dwell in the pity pit with anyone who will invite them in. Some people just love a drama.

I realized this recently when I had a bit of a set back and happened to share it in passing with a long time friend. I was happy to acknowledge the event as a passing life experience and move forward on to chatting about more positive things that had happened since we last talked. But they wanted to know more – making sympathetic agonizing comments and asking question that would have me going deeper into the negative feelings I must be experiencing, how terrible it must be. I suddenly realised they were getting a buzz out of this – they loved the drama, fed on it, almost  desperately needed it. These are the people that love helping you at the bottom of the cliff.

Then there are those who see you at the bottom and give you a helping hand to the top. The people that some may judge unfairly as being unsympathetic. Who, instead of helping you linger in your loss or desperation, help you start taking action to turn things around – who encourage you with positive, reinforcing words. The matter of fact approach – shit happens, but lets focus on getting you out of the pit.

The ones that want to help you at the bottom, are the ones you want to get OUT of your life. The ones that want to help you get back to the top are your guiding stars, the heros of you life. You want to love them, keep them, cherish them and thank them. They are the ones who truly care about you.

posted in Personal Success, Relationships | 1 Comment