13th May 2008

Wants – Good or Evil – It’s Your Choice

Wants both drive the world and destroy the world.

Every biologic element has wants. All molecules want to move. Wants are an untamed driver of every living being. However, energy without direction, without purpose is either destructive or wasted.

Of the three keys to success [ability, energy, direction], direction is the most important. Both ability and energy can be purchased.

Want without purpose, without direction, destroys an individual. Those who cannot master their wants are loose cannons – they ruin lives, ruin societies, ruin companies. The victor is always the individual who has direction.

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4th May 2008

The Power of ‘Wants’ Destroy Success

Wants drive the world and destroy the world.

Every biologic element has wants. All molecules want to move. Wants are an untamed driver of every living being. However, energy without direction, without purpose is either destructive or wasted.

Of the three keys to success [ability, energy, direction], direction is the most important. Both ability and energy can be purchased.

Want without purpose, without direction, destroys an individual. Those who cannot master their wants are loose cannons – they ruin lives, ruin societies, ruin companies. The victor is always the individual who has direction.

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11th February 2008

The Quick Secret To Success

By now most of us have read ‘The Secret’ or the originating book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’. It is easy to read something inspirational such as The Secret,  practice the teachings for a couple of weeks, then leave it behind you……and then wonder why your life is just the same!

If this sounds like you, perhaps the quick takeaway notes below that I made of The Secret may provide you with a quick cheat sheet to prompt you:


ASK ONLY once, then trust it is coming. Start seeking your ‘request’ acting as if it is already in existence.

VISUALISE – Really feel the reality of your ideal through visualisation. Visualise living your ideal every day. When you have an inspired thought – trust it, act on it.

FOCUS – Deal with doubts by dismissing them – then say to yourself “ I know I am receiving now”. Focus on abundant wealth – NEVER SAY “I Can’t Afford It” – instead, focus on having more than enough. Don’t let others talk about their ills or problems to you – Change the subject.Say to yourself – “Money Comes Easily and Frequently”.



PURPOSE – Your purpose in life is the one you write for yourself.


  1. Start every day with 100 thank you’s…..”I am so happy and grateful now that _________________”.
  2. Do daily visualisation with movement.
  3. Other affirmations:

“I have more than enough”

“Money loves me and I love it, so it comes to me easily”

“I think perfect thoughts, I see only perfection. I am perfection”

“I feel wonderful, I feel good”

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8th February 2008

Make Now Your Finest Hour

How you define yourself has a lot to do with your future. Your reality is what you create right now.

We all have challenges, every day. Big challenges are there to strengthen you. How you react to those challenges is how you define yourself. The decisions you make at those tough times in your life help shape your future.

 Dont look at what is in front of you, look to where you want to be in the future. This helps to change your focus from what you are going through, to what you are going to.

Make this very moment, your finest hour….remember, you will never have this hour again. If you normally react to the challenge you have right this hour in a non-productive way, then this is your biggest chance in your life so far to change that.

It doesn’t matter what you have or have not done in the past, or what mistakes have brought grief into your life in the past….you can change it all now with one moment in time. By making a better decision you, you forever change the path of your life, if for no other reason as you will now have a new opinion of yourself. And that new truth about yourself will propel you into new habits, that will continue to strengthen everytime you make this new better choice – until it becomes your new habit, your new way of acting, your new and more successful you.

posted in Self Perception, Success Habits, Taking Action | 0 Comments

8th January 2008

Success in the New Year

Well, I guess its no surprise that I would start the year with a blog about goal setting – but rather than delve back into the old basics of setting goals, action plans etc, I thought I would provide you with a few fresh ideas:

Go electronic with your goals board – On New Years Eve day I quietly sipped a few glasses of champagne whilst I searched the net for images that represented things I wished to achieve. After saving these images to my computer, I built them into a collage using Photoshop. With a single click of the mouse, i now have my goals clearly displayed on my desktop.

Do your goals backwards – this idea is attributed to an email I received from Peter Conti. I liked it so much I thought I would pass it on. The idea is that instead of mentally seeing and/or writing your goals in the future or present tense, write them in past tense, as though you have already achieved them. This synchs in with the sense of gratitude taught by The Secret, and outlined in the ‘Your Right To Wealth’ series on our website.

Operationalize Your Goals – this is not new, but an essential item to be included. Setting goals is an important activity to keep your life on track, but unless you translate your goals into operable actions, they stay firmly as goals and not achievements. So make sure for every goal you ask yourself [ keep this in the past tense also]:

  • What steps did I take to achieve this goal
  • What resources did I need
  • What did I need to be to make this goal happen

To a Successful 2008

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